PRINT ISSN 2285-5653, CD-ROM ISSN 2285-5661, ONLINE ISSN 2286-1580, ISSN-L 2285-5653


Published in Scientific Papers. Series B, Horticulture, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1
Written by Elena Cristina ȚURLEA (CIOBANU), Liliana BĂDULESCU, Monica Luminița BADEA, Mihai Ioan CIOBANU, Florin TOMA

The paper presents the results of the morphological characteristics of Dahlia leaves (leaves area, the perimeter, the length of the leaves, width of leaf), physiological processes (photosynthesis, respiration and transpiration) and chlorophyll content determined at 5 Dahlia cultivars 'Topmix Red’, 'Hy Pimento’, 'Babylon Red’, 'Marble Ball’ and 'Thomas Edison’. The average leaf area has varied from 5.35 cm2 ('Topmix Red') to 68.41 cm2 ('Babylon Red'). As for the perimeter, 'Babylon Red' had the highest value (67.49 cm) and 'Topmix Red' had the lowest value (9.72 cm). The length of the leaves was between 14.19 cm for 'Babylon Red' and 4.43 cm for 'Topmix Red'. The width of the leaves was between 10,18 cm for 'Babylon Red' variant and 2.26 cm for 'Topmix Red'.The intensity of photosynthesis varied between 12.85 μmol CO2 m-2s-1for 'Babylon Red' and 15.24 μmol CO2 m-2s-1 for 'Topmix Red', intensity of transpiration 4.69 mmol H2O m-2s-1 for 'Hy Pimento' and 6.17 mmol H2O m-2s-1 for 'Thomas Edison', intensity respiration 7.46 μmol CO2 m-2s-1for 'Hy Pimento' and 13.43 μmol CO2 m-2s-1 to 'Marble Ball'. The total chlorophyll content was higher in the case of 'Marble Ball', at a value of 163.90 mg/100g, and the smallest quantity was recorded for the 'Babylon Red' at the value of 102.15 mg/100g.

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