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Al papers published in "Scientific Papers. Series B. Horticulture" are under the Open-Access Policy and are distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution License (
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Open access Policy and Fees
"Scientific Papers. Series B. Horticulture" is an open access journal that does not charge readers or their institutions for access. All research articles published in "Scientific Papers. Series B. Horticulture" in full text are immediately freely available to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, link and share.
"Scientific Papers. Series B. Horticulture" currently does NOT receive any revenue from selling subscriptions for online view or print, defraying its editorial and production costs by funding article processing charges (APCs) from article publishing fees and from University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest’s own funds.
Currently, this journal charges the following author fees for publishing an article and participation to the Agriculture for Life and Life for Agriculture Annual Conference: 100 EUR.
Plagiarism Policy
Within the "Scientific Papers. Series B. Horticulture" there are analysed potential cases of plagiarism on their own merits. The Journal's Editorial Board uses an anti-plagiarism software system, to check the articles received for publishing, called Plagiarism Checker X.
If a plagiarism act is detected at any stage - before or after the acceptance, we will:
- if less than 25% of the original submission is plagiarized - inform the authors about the issue so in order to avoid the article's rejection, they can either rewrite the parts found as copied, either cite the original sources;
- if more than 25% of the original submission is plagiarized - reject the article and notify the author.
Additionally, as a CrossRef member, we are looking forward to implementing the CrossCheck system, that is well-suited to filtering academic content, being one of the best methods to detect the plagiarism in the online scientific community.
The "Scientific Papers. Series B. Horticulture" is an international scientific journal published by the Faculty of Horticulture, University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest.
First number of the journal appeared in 1957 as scientific publication of Faculty of Horticulture Bucharest from "Balcescu" Agronomic Institute. Since then, the journal published annually without interruption, registering a high scientifically level.
From 2002 to 2011, the journal "Lucrari stiintifice, seria B, Horticultura" (ISSN 1222-5312) was edited in electronic version (CD-ROM) and the content have been entirely published in English.
The horticulture journal contains the scientific papers of the Romanian and abroad researchers that attend at the Annual Horticulture Faculty Symposium. Before 2012, the works have been divided into domains, also grouped in chapters such us Vegetable growing, Ornamental Plants, Landscape architecture, Fruit growing & Technology, Viticulture & Oenology, Botany & Physiology, Other fields. In 2012 and 2013 the old chapters have been enclosed in 5 topics: Sustainable products and technologies in horticulture, Horticultural biodiversity and genetic resources, Plant production systems, Ornamental plants, design and landscape architecture, Miscellaneous.
Present topics are much more focused on specific domains and structured as follows:
- Fruit growing
- Viticulture and Oenology
- Vegetable growing
- Floriculture, Ornamental Plants, Design and Landscape Architecture
- Miscellaneous
Since 2012 the former ISSN was replaced by ISSN-L 2285-5653 gathering the all published versions of the scientific journal:
- Print ISSN 2285-5653,
- CD-ROM ISSN 2285-5661
- Online ISSN 2286-1580.
Thanks to the major contributions of the high competence and experienced members of the scientific committee, the journal has a wide circulation and recognition among specialists in the country and abroad.