PRINT ISSN 2285-5653, CD-ROM ISSN 2285-5661, ONLINE ISSN 2286-1580, ISSN-L 2285-5653

Evolution research on the influence of micorrhiza on culture of watermelons with plants grafted on sandy soils from southern Oltenia

Published in Scientific Papers. Series B. Horticulture, Vol. LVI
Written by Iulian RĂŢOI, Vasile TOMA, Mihaela CROITORU, Nicolae LASCU, Valerian HĂNESCU, Emanuela Cristina VLADU

Treatment of the soil with micorrhizal fungi on plants directly from the experimental field not led to higher levels of production instead when the inoculation is done directly in the hotbed there have been large increases in production. The production was dependent of the dose of inoculum, 33.1% in the case of inoculation with 50 micorrhizal spores to 10 grams of soil, and 73,1% in the case of inoculation with 100 micorrhizal spores to 10 grams of soil. Inoculation with fungi micorrhizal has proved to be beneficial and of average weight fruit. The spore of weight of fruit from the treated variants comparative untreated variant is the effect of arbusculare micorrhiza, which enhancing the ability of absorption, but also the quantity of nutrients, led to an acceleration of the photosyntetic process and default to shorten the length of maturity of the fruit. The rate of colonization in the case of variants with the inoculation of micorrhizal fungi was associated with organic fertilisation and was much reduced comparative to the untreated variant.

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