Published in Scientific Papers. Series B, Horticulture, Volume LIX
Written by Victoria ARTEM, Arina Oana ANTOCE, Ioan NAMOLOSANU, Aurora RANCA, Anamaria PETRESCU
The biosynthesis of phenolic compounds and their accumulation during the grape berry ripening is influenced byvarious factors such as the genotype, climatic conditions and agricultural practices. The phenolic maturity desired atharvest time refers not only to the total phenolic compound concentration, but also to their quality, which is related totheir structure and extractability during the winemaking process. The goal of this work was to improve the totalconcentration of phenolic compounds of the black cultivars Feteasca neagra and Cabernet Sauvignon by applyingvarious viticultural practices such as organic and conventional growing, no cluster thinning and 30% cluster thinningduring summer, before veraison. The work was performed during the period of 2013-2014 and the phenolic compoundswere evaluated by the standard Glories method, which provided results for total anthocyanins (ApH 1), extractableanthocyanins (ApH 3,2), the percentage of the extractable anthocyanins (%AE), maturity of the seeds (MS) and totalphenols (PT). The statistical analysis of the results showed that the main factor that influences the phenolic compositionof the grapes and their extractability is the grape variety, but for the same cultivar the cluster thinning and theagrotechnical practices also induced certain significant differences.
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