PRINT ISSN 2285-5653, CD-ROM ISSN 2285-5661, ONLINE ISSN 2286-1580, ISSN-L 2285-5653


Published in Scientific Papers. Series B, Horticulture, Volume LIX
Written by Constanţa ALEXE, Marian VINTILĂ, Simona POPESCU, Gh. LĂMUREANU, Lenuţa CHIRA

The quality of the Romanian vegetable production is currently of a great importance as far as alimentation,horticultural economy and commerce with such perishable products because that determines competition on bothinternal and external market and, implicitly, the maintaining of the market for Romanian products in the context of anopen, competitive market. Our researches aimed to establish the most appropriate culture technological sequences forthree varieties of early tomatoes ('Isalnita 29’, 'Isalnita 50’, 'Buzau 47’) in order to obtain high quality fruit withsuitable physical qualitative indicators. All tomatoes varieties that were tested benefited in culture for three differentdensity variants (25,000 plants/ha, 40,000 plants/ha, 55,000 plants/ha) and two levels of fertilization (c1 = N:200kg/ha; P2O5:100 kg/ha; K2O:100 kg/ha, c2 = N:300 kg/ha; P2O5:200 kg/ha; K2O:100 kg/ha). Immediately afterharvesting, certain physical determinations were carried out concerning the main physical qualitative indicators of thefruit: average weight, thickness of the pericarp, specific weight and texture firmness. Results show that the physicalqualitative indicators vary depending on variety, planting density and lightly on fertilizer dose of culture. Between thethree varieties that were studied, the variety 'Buzau 47’ is distinguished through the largest fruits (averageweight=97.75 g), high specific weight (0.9726 g/cm3) and the thickness of the pericarp (6.66 mm). At the same time, thevariety 'Buzau 47’ has the fruits with the lowest firmness (145.87 PU), this indicator having values inverselyproportional to the size of fruits. Regarding the planting density, this influences, according to the physical qualitativeindicator, in a different way. As the density is lower, the average weight of the fruit has higher values. Between testedfertilization variants, at a level of nutrition below the limits of 300 kg/ha N, 200 kg/ha P2O5 and 100 kg/ha K2O, thereare no essential differences in the values of the main physical qualitative indicators, beside the average weight of thefruits, which increases from 69.97 g in the case of fertilization variant c1, to 82.92 g in the case of fertilization variantc2.

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