Published in Scientific Papers. Series B, Horticulture, Volume LIX
Written by Nikolina SHOPOVA, Dimka HAYTOVA
The aim of the study was to established the influence of age and the size of the planting area of the seedling plantsgrown in containers, on the vegetative behaviour of plants during the growing period in the conditions of late fieldproduction of tomatoes. The experiments were carried out during the period 2011 - 2013 on experimental field,Department of Horticulture at the Agriculturalal University – Plovdiv with cultivar 'Opal F1’. The variants with 20-25,30-35 and 40-45 day seedlings, cultivated in containers with 40, 66 and 104 cells and planting area respectively 44, 28,17cm2, were tested. As a control was a used 20-25 day seedling, grown in a transplanting bed and planting area 26-28cm2 per plant (350-380 plant / m2). It was found that the size of the planting area and the age of the seedling plantsinfluenced on the vegetative behaviour of plants during the growing period after planting. The processes of growth anddevelopment of the plants, during the growth period, are most intensive at the variant with 20-25 days seedlings, grownin containers with 66 cells.
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