PRINT ISSN 2285-5653, CD-ROM ISSN 2285-5661, ONLINE ISSN 2286-1580, ISSN-L 2285-5653

The impact of some modernized technological operations upon the productive potential of some Cucurbita pepo L., convar. Giromontia hybrids, cultivated in cold solariums

Published in Scientific Papers. Series B. Horticulture, Vol. LVI
Written by Alexandra BECHERESCU, HORGOŞ A., POPA D., Anca DRĂGUNESCU, Anişoara IENCIU, Roxana STEPAN

The importance of courgette in alimentation is duet o its alimentary value given by the high content of Carbone hydrates, proteins, Ca, P and Iron salts, vitamins A and C with their favorable role in metabolism. Obtaining efficient quantitative productions is very important for vegetable growers, who hope to introduce this vegetable, in the near future, more and more in alimentation. This can happen only by applying in culture a modern technology. In this purpose we experienced two courgette hybrids Cavili F1 and Ambasador F1, cultivated in two types of culture systems – one with modeled field and mulching with white polyethylene (PE) foil and drip irrigation (b1) and one with no modeled field, no mulching and with drip irrigation (b2) – and by applying as fertirrigation three types of completely soluble chemical fertilizers – Agriplant, Haifa Chemicals and Kemira. The results showed that the field has to be modelled with raised layers of 104 cm width, on which to apply white PE foil as mulch. It is recommended to use the two completely soluble fertilizers Haifa Chemicals and Kemira, applied by fertirrigation, which determined high yields for both hybrids. The biological value of the two hybrids, considering their quantitative productive potential is very close, the differences between the hybrids being not significant, so that from Cavili F1 we obtained 27.1 t/ha (100%) and from Ambasador F1 we obtained 26.3 t/ha (97%), the difference expressed in physical units being of 0.8 t/ha, and in percentage units of 3%.

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