PRINT ISSN 2285-5653, CD-ROM ISSN 2285-5661, ONLINE ISSN 2286-1580, ISSN-L 2285-5653

Manifest of the productive potential of some tomato hybrids with determined growth cultivated in cold solariums under the impact of flower stimulation and fecundation methods and of different modern fertilizers

Published in Scientific Papers. Series B. Horticulture, Vol. LVI
Written by A. HORGOŞ, Alexandra BECHERESCU, D. POPA, Anişoara IENCIU, Anca DRĂGUNESCU, L. RUSU

In the past years, as a result of fuel price increase, there was registered a regression of surfaces cultivated with vegetables in greenhouses or solariums. Private growers started to cultivate vegetables in cold solariums, reducing by this the costs of obtaining productions, meaning heating costs. But there were necessary some other operations in order to maintain the productions that they would have obtained in conditions of heat and to compensate the decrease of early productions and the income costs. In this article we present the impact of some modern technology operations, which can determine high yields of two tomato hybrids with determined growth Magnus F1 and Maximus F1, known as being very good cultivated in cold solariums. Stimulation was done with Tomato-Stim, by natural pollination with bumble­bees (Natupol) and with Bionex (foliar fertilizer with plant extracts) all compared to a control variant where it occurred natural pollination. At the same time, there were applied two types of fertilizers – Agriplant and Kemira. Tomato-Stim gave good quantitative yields, while Natupol gave good qualitative yields. The productions obtained after applying Kemira fertilizer were with 15.5% till 15.9% higher than those obtained after applying Agriplant fertilizer. Both hybrids, Magnus F1 and Maximus F1 are valuable considering the quantity, but also the Extra and Ist quality productions, but Maximus F1 gave higher productions than Magnus F1 tomato hybrid.

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