Published in Scientific Papers. Series B, Horticulture, Vol. LXVII, Issue 1
Written by Ramona CĂPRUCIU, Daniela Doloris CICHI, Liviu Cristian MĂRĂCINEANU, Felicia STOICA
The state of endodormancy in the vine as an adaptation reaction to unfavourable temperature conditions, has a complex character and is the result of multiple biochemical and physiological processes that take place at the level of the tissues of the vine shoots. In this study, the adaptation and response reactions of Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Fetească neagră grapevine varieties to the temperatures during the dormant season in the Banu Mărăcine wine-growing centre are monitored, by following the evolution of some biochemical compounds involved in these mechanisms: evolution of free water (%), bound water (%), total water (%) and total dry matter (SUT %), as well as the evolution of carbohydrates (soluble sugar and starch) in annual and multiannual vine wood. A grouping of the analyzed varieties is made according to the storage potential of carbohydrates under the different conditions of minimum temperatures.
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