Published in Scientific Papers. Series B, Horticulture, Vol. LXVIII, Issue 1
Written by Casiana MIHUȚ, Daniela SCEDEI, Vlad Dragoslav MIRCOV, Codruța CHIȘ
The paper presents aspects related to the soil and climate conditions specific to Giarmata, Timiș County, Romania, and their influence on the main qualitative indices of five cultivars of sour cherry (Prunus cerasus): Mari timpurii, Târgu-Jiu 505, Oblacinska, Grecia 2, and Meteor. The research was carried out during 2021-2022 in a family-type plantation on a preluvosol soil type. The main indices studied were: tree vigour, fruit set degree, production, biometric elements, and fruit chemical composition. The results highlighted the following aspects: the diameter of the trunk was between 125.2-170.5 mm, the diameter of the crown was between 3.5-4.6 m per row and between 3.1-4.3 m between rows, the height of the trees was between 3.5-4.9 m, and the height of the crown was between 3.0-4.2 m. Fruit production ranged between 9.41 t/ha and 14.07 t/ha. Biometrics consisted of major diameter, minor diameter, tree height, tree size index and peduncle length. The chemical composition of the fruits was influenced by the soil and climate conditions, differing from one cultivar to another during the two study years.
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