Published in Scientific Papers. Series B, Horticulture, Vol. LXVIII, Issue 1
Written by Maria APOSTOL, Raluca Maria HLIHOR, Isabela Maria SIMION, Laura HAGIU ZALENSCHI, Lucia DRAGHIA, Elena Liliana CHELARIU
The study presents the comparative analysis on the impact of different concentrations of Pb(II) (25 to 300 mg/kg) on germination, seedling rate, velocity, tolerance index, toxicity index and vigour index at Coleus blumei 'Wizard Rose' and 'Wizard Jade'. The experience was conducted in 6 variants with 3 replicates, each replicate having 10 seeds. The humidity of the substrate was performed with water for the control sample (C) and with PbCl2 solutions for the other 5 variants. At high concentrations of lead (300mg/l), a significant decrease in the germination percentage can be seen of approximately 20% in the case of the 'Wizard Rose' coleus and 50% in the case of the 'Wizard Jade' coleus. The results obtained in the study show that lead had the highest inhibitory effect on germination, seedling rate, velocity, and plant growth at the coleus 'Wizard Jade'. The degree tolerance of Coleus blumei varieties to the stress caused by the lead decreases with the increase in the concentration of Pb(II), coleus 'Wizard Rose' highlighting a better tolerance to Pb(II) compared to coleus 'Wizard Jade'.
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