PRINT ISSN 2285-5653, CD-ROM ISSN 2285-5661, ONLINE ISSN 2286-1580, ISSN-L 2285-5653


Published in Scientific Papers. Series B, Horticulture, Vol. LXVIII, Issue 2
Written by Géza BALLA, Zsolt SZEKELY-VARGA, Endre KENTELKY

Among the most extensively grown plants worldwide are grapes. Numerous religions place a high value on grapes and wine. The objective of the experiment was to examine the impact of varying cluster loadings (30% and 50%) on the yield of two distinct grape varieties ('Zweigelt’ and 'Fetească neagră’/'Feketeleányka’), both in terms of quantity and quality. The experiment was carried out Mica village, in Mureș County. From the yield numbers, could be deduct that the control variety yielded the highest. The sugar content was highest and the acid level was lowest at 30% cluster load. The values were pretty close at 50% load. In terms of wine production, the 50% load was the most appropriate to the control. In terms of grape berries number, at 'Fetească neagră’/'Feketeleányka’ the highest values were reached at 50 % cluster load and in the case of 'Zweigelt’ the highest number was recorded at 30% load.

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