Published in Scientific Papers. Series B, Horticulture, Vol. LXVIII, Issue 2
Written by Daniela Doloris CICHI, Ramona CAPRUCIU, Felicia STOICA, Mihai CICHI, Dorin Constantin COSTEA, Liviu Cristian Mărăcineanu
Polyclonal vineyards are a useful technological alternative in the context of climate changes foreshadowed in the medium and long term, through the premises of ensuring a sustainable viticulture, but also the possibility of obtaining complex wines. In the last decade in Romania, various international clones of wine grape varieties have been introduced in vineyards, whose performance in terms of adaptation or their bioproductive and qualitative potential in Romanian vineyards is little known. In this context, the aim of this study was to evaluate and determine certain phenotypic characteristics, as well as the bioproductive and qualitative performance of five Cabernet Sauvignon clones: two of French origin (15 and 338 ENTAV) and three clones of Italian origin (ISV 105, ISV 117 and R5), in the pedoclimatic conditions of South-West Romania. Good fertility results are shown by clones R5 and 15 ENTAV, with ISV 117 and R5 clones being the most productives. All clones ensure the quality parameters required for Cabernet Sauvignon DOC wines produced in Oltenia winegrowing region.
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