Published in Scientific Papers. Series B, Horticulture, Vol. LXVIII, Issue 2
Written by Liliana PÎRCĂLABU, Steliana Paula BARBU, Irina BĂLĂNESCU, Georgeta TUDOR
The measurement and quantification of climate variability was carried out on the basis of the 27 climate indices (16 indices based on temperature and 11 precipitation indices) defined by the Climate Change Detection and Indices
(ETCCDI), which mainly focus on both cold and hot extremes of daily minimum temperature (TN), maximum daily temperature (TX), precipitation (PR) and, also percentile-based thresholds. Compared to climatology 1990-2009, in
2010-2022 the frequency of cold nights decreases and the frequency of warm nights increases. Percentile-based indices measuring the frequency of “cold days” (TX10p) has decreased and “warm days” (TX90p) has increased. The fixed
maximum temperature events, freezing days (TX < 00C) and summer days (TX > 250C), show decreasing and increasing trends, respectively by 22 days (2.09 days/year), (in line with the general warming trend), but these are generally statistically significant. The effects of climate change are manifested on the development of vegetative phenophases (budding, flowering, leaf, grape ripening) and the evolution of grape production and its quality.
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