Published in Scientific Papers. Series B, Horticulture, Vol. LXVIII, Issue 2
Written by Nadejda MIHNEA, Galina LUPASCU, Angela RUDACOVA, Ala CHERDIVARA
The paper presents data on the testing results of 5 F1 reciprocal hybrid combinations and 7 parental forms of tomato based on the content of dry matter, sugars, acidity, vitamin C, lycopene and β-carotene in fruits. The biochemical analysis of parent varieties and reciprocal F1 hybrids was differentiated – specific to the genotype, the hybrid, the crossing orientation, the analyzed character. By cluster analysis (k-means) of the tomato F1 parents and hybrids were identified – Vrojainii, Rufina, Flacara, L 10B, and the hybrid combinations F1 Flacara x Vrojainii, F1 L 10B x Rufina, F1 Rufina x L 10B, F1 Vrojainii x Flacara, F1 Desteptarea x Flacara, F1 Flacara x Desteptarea, F1 Flacara x Rufina, F1 Rufina x Flacara, F1 Dolgonosic x Mary Gratefully which are characterized by high indices of the biochemical characters, which provides opportunities for their use in breeding programs in quality of the initial material in improving the quality of tomato fruits. The differences in the manifestation of the characters analyzed in the reciprocal F1 hybrids demonstrate the involvement of the parental factor in their phenotype.
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