PRINT ISSN 2285-5653, CD-ROM ISSN 2285-5661, ONLINE ISSN 2286-1580, ISSN-L 2285-5653


Published in Scientific Papers. Series B, Horticulture, Vol. LXVIII, Issue 2
Written by Costel VÎNĂTORU, Adrian PETICILĂ, Bianca MUȘAT, Camelia BRATU, Geanina NEGOȘANU, Matilda POPESCU

BRGV Buzău owns a rich germplasm collection of tomato, consisting of over 3600 genotypes, over 35% of which are cherry cultivars. The research aimed to obtain new cherry type varieties with high yield potential and superior quality, especially taste and aroma, with high resistance to the main pathogens attack. The research was completed with obtaining many lines, and 4 of them were registered for homologation and patenting. These received the provisional names of Serena, Simila, Rapsodia and Monalisa. Simila variety has round, slightly juicy, tasty dark brown fruits, with an average weight of 12 g. Serena variety presents red, round, slightly ovoid, firm, tasty fruits, with an average weight of 17 g. Rapsodia variety presents brindle, green with burgundy-red fruits, round, firm, tasty, brown-pink pulp, with an average weight of 23.5 g. Monalisa variety has red, ovoid, crunchy, tasty fruits, with an average weight of 15 g, being very productive. Research will continue with the promotion of these varieties as crops and by increasing the seeding surfaces and obtaining new valuable varieties.

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