Published in Scientific Papers. Series B, Horticulture, Vol. LXVIII, Issue 2
Written by Maria RAICU, Petronela CAMEN-COMĂNESCU, Mihaela URZICEANU, Paulina ANASTASIU, Florin TOMA
Ornamental horticulture, a global practice, has significantly contributed to the proliferation of plant invasions on a worldwide scale. The European landscape, perpetually influenced by evolving horticultural trends, has witnessed the introduction of plants from diverse continents. The horticultural industry actively promotes ornamental species that exhibit characteristics traits conducive to their success, such as rapid growth, low maintenance requirements, resilience to local climatic conditions, and resistance to pests and pathogens. However, all these characteristics also ensure their success outside the gardens, so the number of alien plants escaping cultivation in native ecosystems increases from year to year. This study explores the evidence underscoring the fundamental importance of ornamental horticulture in introducing and promoting alien plant species, ultimately leading to their escape into natural ecosystems. In the context of Romania, a comprehensive analysis revealed that 264 ornamental taxa have escaped cultivation, and 30 of them have become invasive. Notably, six taxa, including Ailanthus altissima, Asclepias syriaca, Humulus scandens, Impatiens glandulifera, Ludwigia peploides, and Myriophyllum aquaticum, are of concern to the European Union, warranting special measures for population control and mitigation. This paper seeks to raise awareness about the urgent need for implementing international and European codes of conduct and codes of practice specifically addressing horticulture, ornamental plants, and the management of invasive alien species. The information provided highlights the crucial role of regulatory frameworks in mitigating the unintentional ecological impact of ornamental horticulture. It underscores the importance of collaborative efforts to preserve biodiversity and uphold ecological balance.
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