Published in Scientific Papers. Series B, Horticulture, Vol. LXVIII, Issue 2
Written by Cristina TOȚA, Cristian BERAR, Florin SALA
The study analyzed the variability of some leaf parameters in the species Liquidambar styraciflua L. under conditions of leaf chlorosis. Leaf samples (normal and chlorotic) were taken from trees in the urban area, Timisoara Municipality. A differentiated variation of the values of the determined leaf parameters was recorded: leaf length, L = 6.15 – 15.00±0.42 cm, scanned leaf area, SLA = 23.68 – 132.48±5.27 cm-2, photosynthetic pigments, Chl = 1.77 – 50.36±3.23, Car = 1.76 – 10.16±0.52, fresh weight, Fw = 0.327 – 3.127±0.127 g, dry weight, Dw = 0.058 – 1.120±0.052 g, specific fresh weight, SFw = 0.0138 – 0.0236±0.0005 g cm-2, specific dry weight, SDw = 0.0024 – 0.0087±0.0003 g cm-2, fresh weight to dry weight ratio, Fw/Dw = 2.6012 – 5.6379±0.1755, specific dry weight to specific fresh weight ratio, SDw/SFw = 0.1774 – 0.3844±0.0119. Correlation of different levels of intensity was recorded between the analyzed parameters, and the regression analysis led to models in the form of equations and graphic form, under conditions of statistical safety (p<0.001). According to PCA, distribution diagrams were generated in relation to categories of leaf parameters, in which the main components (PC1, PC2) explained the presence of variance.
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