Published in Scientific Papers. Series B, Horticulture, Vol. LXV, Issue 1
Written by Diana VÂȘCĂ-ZAMFIR, Mihai Cristian POMOHACI, Mihai GÎDEA
In the arrangement of the residential spaces, one of the most important stages is to identify the best mix of species that are suited to be used for the establishment or rapid correction of turf surfaces by modern techniques, which involve the use of pre-germinated seeds under the specifical condition of each site. In this research was tested the seeds of the species most often used in lawn mixtures, namely Poa pratensis, Festuca arundinacea and Lolium perenne. The research was consisting of a bifactorial experiment where the A factor was the germination temperature (in a range from 5 to 20°C), and the B factor was the seeds treatment. The analyzed parameters were the germination indicators. The statistical analysis for the differences between germination means was done using Student's t-test and Wilcoxon test for paired samples (done with the Jasp 0.14.3. program). Using the seed treatment is not determine an increase of germination characteristic in all de the cases by comparing with untreated variant for all the tested species of seeds. The increase in the temperature level was followed by the increase in the speed and in the level of germination.
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