Published in Scientific Papers. Series B, Horticulture, Vol. LXV, Issue 1
Written by Daniel RĂDUȚOIU, Laurențiu BĂLONIU
Following the research carried out in the recent years in Oltenia it was found out that there is an affinity between certain invasive allogenic and potentially invasive plant species and cultivated land. The analysis of the presence of these plant species in agricultural crops highlights their presence in large numbers in weeding crops and less in cereal crops. Data on the existence of these plants in agricultural crops in Oltenia territory are sporadically found in several specialized works. The analysis of the floristic spectrum of invasive and potentially invasive allogenic plants in Oltenia's agricultural crops highlights the presence of some taxa that are on the list of alarming for the European Union (eg. Ailanthus altissima – in vine crops in Dolj and Mehedinți counties and Asclepias syriaca in corn crops in Gorj county). Among the species with a strong impact on the agricultural crops of Otenia we mention: Sorghum halepense (for corn crops), Ambrosia artemisiifolia (for corn, sunflower and watermelon crops) and Galinsoga parviflora (for watermelon crops).
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