Published in Scientific Papers. Series B, Horticulture, Vol. LXV, Issue 2
Written by Claudia Maria STOICA, Marian VELCEA, Ionuț Ovidiu JERCA, Elena Maria DRĂGHICI
The study was conducted in the Hortinvest greenhouses of the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine-Bucharest and refers to the use of a device that is the subject of a patent, published internationally and which was used experimentally in a tomato crop, in the system unconventional, on perlite substrate. We noticed a faster growth of tomato fruits following the application of EMCOPAD-Doctor Tech devices compared to the variant not exposed to the reflected electromagnetic field. The differences in physiological maturation compared to the untreated variant were 4-5 days when the device was placed directly on the immature fruit and 4 days when it was placed directly on the stem of the plant near the insertion of the inflorescence. The aim of the study was to identify new methods to shorten the fruit ripening period, non-aggressive.
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