Published in Scientific Papers. Series B, Horticulture, Volume LX
Written by Nadejda MIHNEA
Climate change has a negative impact on agriculture. In the last decade, drought and high temperatures have become more frequent with strong negative effects on crop productivity. Selection based on resistance to extreme temperatures now becomes the actual objective because in some years, the air temperature reaches 35-45ºC during the flowering stage of the day, which considerably reduces fruits setting and the yield per hectare. The aim of our research was to test the level of heat resistance of genotypes and hybrid populations descending from tomatoes to select the forms with high resistance level. As a result of research we found that the highest resistance to heat was manifested by genotypes of F3 generation Mihaela x Irisca (93.9%) and F3 Maestro x Irisca (82.9%) and the lowest - by the variety Маestro (31.2%). The genotypes with increased resistance can be used subsequently in research for genetic breeding for resistance to high temperatures.Testing of the selected material based on the characters complex, including heat resistance, demonstrated the possibility of creating new forms of tomato combining productivity with high air temperatures resistance.
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