PRINT ISSN 2285-5653, CD-ROM ISSN 2285-5661, ONLINE ISSN 2286-1580, ISSN-L 2285-5653


Published in Scientific Papers. Series B, Horticulture, Volume LXI
Written by Elena BĂRCANU, Costel VÎNĂTORU, Bianca ZAMFIR, Camelia BRATU, Elena DRĂGHICI

The recent study was conducted at the Vegetable Research and Development Station Buzau, the unit has a number of 214 pepper genotypes in various stages of breeding. A number of 8 accession who demonstrated genetic stability and adequate for breeding were chosen for this study. The 8 accession whom are retained for evaluation are: A 24, A 25, A 26, A 54, A 55, A 56, A 57, A 58. These accession are characterized by a dwarf port and can be grown in pots as they are, in particular, appreciated like ornamental plants, having a long growing season and nice, decorative foliage and miniature fruits. Fruits can be eaten fresh throughout the whole year if pots are kept indoor or in a greenhouse during winter period. The lifetime of these accession is much longer than the varieties with large fruit, like bell pepper and long pepper. Kept in a pot, they can vegetate for nearly two years if pruning is made to stimulate new growth, knowing that pepper is a plant that blossoms and bears fruit continuously. New accession obtained have a distinct visible character like the shape and color of fruit:A 24, A 56 and A 58 presents red at fruit maturity stage, A 26 and A 54 orange, cultivars A 25 and A 55 have yellow fruits, and A 57 has fruit who passes through three stages color: purple, red and at physiological maturity becomes dark red. Researches will continue with patenting and extenteding in culture the new accession. The purpose of these research was to identify pepper genotypes, evaluating and entering them into germplasm of Vegetable Research and Development Station Buzau to be used for breeding.

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