PRINT ISSN 2285-5653, CD-ROM ISSN 2285-5661, ONLINE ISSN 2286-1580, ISSN-L 2285-5653


Published in Scientific Papers. Series B, Horticulture, Volume LXII
Written by Viorel ENACHE, Mihaela CROITORU, Milica DIMA

The growth of shoots is a basic element in the relationship between growth and fructification, on which depends the fruit trees equilibrium respectively the production provision for year and next years. Cuttings made during the spring and green works on annual increases are a very important link in agrotechnics of intensive plantations, but at the same time an element that loads the production cost. In conditions the sandy soils from Dăbuleni, fourteen apricot varieties were studied, with different maturation periods, but also with differences in growth processes. Of the three experimental years, the highest annual growth rates were recorded in year 2015 (158.21 cm average varieties) year in which both the air temperature and the amount of rainfall were at normal values during the intensive growth of the shoots. The rhythm of most intense growth was recorded in June and July, after which it diminished slightly in August and September as a result of the ending vegetative increases of vegetative growth and the beginning of preparing the trees for the winter dormancy. The year 2016, following the measurements made, showed smaller growth increases (124.21 cm), due to the thermohydric stress conditions in the sandy soil area. In year 2017, on the background of optimum soil humidity the growth of shoots was very intense as early as May. Due to the fact that in 2017 the trees presented fruit, the growth rate decreased in June and July, and after the harvesting production, the vegetative growths again showed an intense rhythm. The average value of varieties was 121.60 cm. The varieties that showed the highest annual increases in the three years of study were 'Crystal' (130.2-190.2 cm) and 'Orizont' (132.8-199.2 cm).

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