Published in Scientific Papers. Series B, Horticulture, Volume LXII
Written by Elena BARCANU-TUDOR, Elena Maria DRĂGHICI
Among the vegetables grown in Romania, bell peppers occupies a priority place due to favourable pedo-climate conditions, especially in the southern area of the country, as well as of high demand from consumers and foodprocessor. In Romania, peppers has traditionally been field-grown and harvested at mature-green stage. Lately, as a result of worldwide producers, the expressiveness of colour and shape had greatly diversified and the demand for highquality coloured peppers has led farmers to look at quality-pepper cultivars grown in greenhouse. Starting from these premises, the Breeding Laboratory at Vegetable Research-Development Station Buzău approach a new theme aimed to obtain new cultivars with high yield potential and distinct phenotypic characteristics. Besides evaluation of yield potential, a particular emphasis has been focused on obtaining varieties that has different shapes and colours. Research has been completed by far with the achievement of new cultivars with colour ful fruits like orange, chocolate and indigo.
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