Published in Scientific Papers. Series B, Horticulture, Vol. LXIII, Issue 2
Written by Ioan ALEXANDRU, Stelica CRISTEA, Dorel HOZA
The work studies the occurrence of Polystigma rubrum and Stigmina carpophila pathogens which are frequent yearly in plum orchards with varying degrees of attack intensity. It was followed by the attack of the two pathogens in the period 2017-2018 in the ʻStanleyʼ, ʻAnna Spathʼ and ʻGras românescʼ varieties. It was found that the attack of the Polystigma rubrum pathogen had values in 2018 ranging from 31% to the ʻStanleyʼ variety and 19.5% to theʻ Gras românescʼ variety. In the case of the Stigmina carpophila fungus attack, the most severe attack was 38% in the year 2017. The effectiveness of prophylactic and therapeutic treatments ranged between 65% and 71% during the analyzed period.
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