Published in Scientific Papers. Series B, Horticulture, Vol. LXV, Issue 1
Written by Mona TUFARU, Dorel HOZA, Adrian CHIRA, Adrian George PETICILĂ, Stelica CRISTEA, Ligia ION
Sharka virus disease is extremely difficult to control and cause severe economic loss. A long-term solution is to propose new hybrid combinations where, as parents, local genotypes better adapted to the climatic conditions of the culture area are involved. This paper aims to study the behavior in the process of pollination of native apricot varieties, ʻAmiral’, 'Dacia’, ʻSiret’ in different hybrids combinations. The highest number of pollinations flowers was performed on the combination 'Dacia ♀ x Rareş ♂’ with 243 flowers, then in descending order follows the combination 'Excelsior♀ x SEO ♂’ with 210 flowers, 'Siret ♀ x Amiral ♂’ 198 flowers, 'Bucovina ♀ x Harcot ♂’ 178 flowers. At the end, a steady fall is recorded again in all combinations, but a fall rate of 100% was observed in the combination of 'Bucovina ♀ x Harcot ♂ʼ. The lowest rate of fall of the remaining studied fruits was noticed in the combination 'Dacia ♀ x Amiral ♂’ of 67.98%.
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