PRINT ISSN 2285-5653, CD-ROM ISSN 2285-5661, ONLINE ISSN 2286-1580, ISSN-L 2285-5653


Published in Scientific Papers. Series B, Horticulture, Volume LIX
Written by Alexandru CIOBOTĂ, Smaranda BICA

Considering agriculture as both a large-scale user of land and a provider of landscapes, this paper aims to present the evolution of landscape in Ticvaniu Mare, Caraş Severin County, located in the Romanian Banat Region due to different agriculture policies. The paper debates on different historical periods: Habsburg Empire (beginning with the 18th century), between the wars (1918-1939) with The Romanian Agricultural Reform (1921), communism and post communism period (1990) until present day. We are interested in how agriculture modified the landscape over time and if there still are landscape elements bearing witness to such changes in the present. The research focuses on different scales: a small scale, the village, its tissue, plots’ structure, homestead, specific architecture and a large scale, outside the village, agriculture fields, orchards, meadows/pastures and agriculture infrastructure and buildings. The research data has been obtained through different research methods: archive research (The Romanian National Archives in Timisoara and Caransebeş, Municipality of Ticvaniu Mare archives), map comparing and several field observation. The research on agriculture policies during different periods and landscape changes reveal that the two are well interconnected and that landscape should be taken into consideration by the local/national/European agricultural policy.

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