Published in Scientific Papers. Series B, Horticulture, Vol. LXVIII, Issue 2
Written by Camelia Aurora SIMIONESCU, Elena DOBRIN, Elena Maria DRÄ‚GHICI
The study was carried out at USAMV Bucharest and aimed to identify the assortment of tomato varieties and hybrids grown in protected spaces and open field in Romania. Tomatoes are traditional vegetables, rich in carbohydrates, vitamins, lycopene and carotene. Currently, in our country, imported F1 hybrids, extra-early and early, are cultivated in a smaller proportion and in a larger proportion Romanian or imported varieties. F1 hybrids are preferred, because show the phenomenon of heterosis which gives crops resistance/tolerance to diseases, pests, drought, a higher production yield and a very good quality of fruit production. F1 tomato hybrid seeds are procured from vegetable growers from authorized stores that import them to production companies from the Netherlands, Italy, France, Israel. The Romanian tomato seeds come from research stations in Buzău, Bacău, Vidra, etc. This study aims to highlight the large number of varieties adapted and used in the different cultivation areas in Romania, varieties that are recommended for both conventional and organic crops in the different cropping systems.
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